Thursday, June 13, 2019

These are trying times

*1.* *We live in times where we see many humans, but not humanity.*

*2.* *We live in times where the rich has more rooms than children and the poor has more children than rooms.*

*3.* *We live in times where smart phones bring you closer to those who are far, but distance you from those who are closer.*

*4.* *We live in times where we open Facebook, more than Holy Book;*

*5.* *We live in times where a single mother can look after 10 children, but 10 children can't look after a single mother;*

*6.* *We live in times where the rich walk miles to digest food, while the poor walk miles to search for food;*

*7.* *We live in times where women are paid to be naked, while others have no clothes to cover their nakedness.*

*8.* *We live in times where our contact lists are huge, but our relationships are poor*

*9.* *We live in times where our possessions are more, but our appreciation is less;*

*10.* *We live in times where we know how to earn a good living, but somehow forget how to live good;*

*11.* *We live in times where many know the price of everything, but not the value of anything*

*Indeed, we live in a strange world.*

*May God help and Guide Us in our daily life*

Just had to share this with everyone

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